Markfield Medical Centre


About our Patient Participation Group

Markfield Medical Centre has a very proactive Patient Participation Group (PPG)

The group is made up of a number of patients who volunteer and are willing to engage and work with the practice to –

  • Contribute to the continuous improvement of services
  • Improve communication between the practice and its patients.
  • Help patients take more responsibility for their health.
  • Provide practical support and help to implement change.

As part of their role PPG members are available to discuss aspects of the services offered, and are happy to discuss any practice related issues which patients feel need to be improved.

Aim Of The PPG

The aim of the PPG is to create an environment which provides an opportunity to engage with patients in an open and constructive way.

The PPG will jointly develop ideas to educate patients and develop the services offered by the practice through communication and involvement.


Current Members

Alan Bourne – Chair

Rosemary Woodland – 01530 249101

Mary Pepper – 01530 249101

Angela Berry – 01530 242578 / 07875 38091 / / 42 Park Avenue, Markfield

Roy Isbell – 07860 189282 /

Clifton Kendall – 01530 244881 / 07798 746262 / / 7 Barn Way, Markfield

Robert Quiney – 01530 610795 / 07837 561862 / / The Hawthorns, Markfield

Daryl Pascall – 01530 230627 / / 291 Main Street, Thornton

Gail Massey – 01530 242451 / 07860 095636 / / 111 Main Street, Stanton under Bardon

Jane Harwood-Scott – 01530 242277 / 07949 212128 /

Klaus Senkpiehl – 01530 242759 / 07977 349203 / / 1 London Road, Markfield

Madeline Burrows – 01530 245818 / 07966 768062 / / 24 London Road, Markfield

Jacqueline Walker-Sutton –

How to Join the PPG 

We want our PPG to be truly representative of our practice population. No special qualifications or experience are required and we encourage you to participate.

If you are interested in becoming a PPG member or would like to make any comments or suggestions please let us know by leaving a note for the PPG with any member of the Reception Team at Markfield Surgery.
Your note should include:

Your name, address, telephone number, email address (if you have one)

This will enable the Practice Manager Laura Gibson to contact you to discuss your comments and arrange for you to join us if you wish.

The PPG meet regulary to work with the GPs and staff at the practice to improve the way things are run.

The work of PPGs is invaluable to the work of the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG). The feedback they get from PPGs help shape the decisions that they make and directly influence the services we commission for all our patients and carers.

Election of PPG and PPG group officers 

Election of officers to facilitate the running of the PPG will be held annually at the AGM each year. Nominations can be made by any member of the PPG and these should be seconded by another member. All nominations should be submitted to the PPG Secretary at least two weeks in advance of the AGM to allow details to be circulated to all members in advance of the AGM. Officers must be willing to serve on the PPG for a period of 1 year and may or may not choose to stand for re-election.

Officers Include:
– Chairperson – to manage the conduct and running of the PPG.
-Secretary – to take responsibility for agendas, minutes, correspondence and general administration.
-A Treasurer may also be elected should the need arise.


Confidentiality is an extremely important principle in the provision of healthcare and this principle will be extended to the activities of the PPG. All members of the PPG will be expected to maintain confidentiality within the PPG, to MMC and specifically to individuals within the group of all sensitive information.

Identification of Priorities

The purpose of the patient participation group is to ensure that patients are involved in decisions about the range, shape and quality of services provided by the practice.

During the year the PPG has worked closely with the Doctors and practice staff to review and carry out actions identified in the most recent patient survey.

A review of various sources of feedback has been carried out to identify priorities for the practice. The feedback has been taken from :-

Latest in house patient survey

National patient survey

Productive General Practice feedback

Friend and Family Test

Suggestion Box and Patient Complaints

Annual Practice appraisal

From the analysis of the feedback the PPG and the practice have identified and agreed the following three key priority areas :-

  • Review ease of access for patients wishing to use the service.
  • Promote Health Education with the support of PPG and practice champions.
  • Review Markfield Medical Centre website to ensure information is meaningful and up to date.